Sustainability Report 2022

84 O N E R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 OVERVIEW BUSINESS OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT THAI AIRASIA MATERIALITY ASSESSMENT 2022 (GRI 3-1, 3-2) At Thai AirAsia, it is important to us that we align our sustainability journey with our stakeholders’ evolving priorities to create meaningful long-term value and impact through our business. In 2022, we conducted a materiality survey with our stakeholders to identify our economic, environmental, and social (EES) challenges and priorities. As our business grows, we welcome and engage with more stakeholders that contribute to the success of our business. This year, we expanded our materiality survey to include both internal and external stakeholders for a better understanding of their expectations and priorities. Material topics were identified in 2021 and reviewed this year to ensure it remains relevant to our stakeholders’ priorities and business. Upon assessment, the material topics reflect our stakeholders’ and the business’ interests where the only amendment is the addition of “Diversity and Inclusion” as a new material topic. In line with global trends, we introduced “Diversity and Inclusion” as a standalone topic to highlight Thai AirAsia’s commitment in embracing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment where the talents and strengths of people are valued regardless of identity. We aim to conduct a more comprehensive assessment next year to ensure we remain on top of global and industry trends, meet our stakeholders’ priorities, and align with the Capital A Group.