Sustainability Report 2022

129 O N E R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 OVERVIEW BUSINESS OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Furthermore, the main fuel and emissions savings were delivered by the following green operating procedures: In 2022, Thai AirAsia’s fuel efficiency programme (Green Operation) delivered > USD 1.8 million Equivalent to 2,237 tonnes of fuel savings in cost savings of CO2 emissions avoided >7,000 tonnes These measures collectively are the Green Operating Procedure. Apart from reducing the amount of fuel needed for each flight, the procedure also mitigates CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and reduces noise pollution for residents in areas surrounding airports. In 2022, the six dimensions of the Green Operating Procedure allowed Thai AirAsia to reduce its CO2 emissions by 7,066 tons, equivalent to planting 513,890 mangrove trees (Reference from Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization). Reduce Flaps Landing, reducing fuel usage by approximately Packs Off Take Off, reducing fuel usage by approximately One Engine Taxi on Arrival, reducing fuel usage by approximately Weight Reduction from Flight Document, reducing fuel usage by approximately Idle Reverse Landing, reducing fuel usage by approximately 12 litres/flight 3 litres/flight 7 litres/minute 1.5 litres/flight 6 litres/flight CO2 avoided CO2 avoided CO2 avoided CO2 avoided CO2 avoided 2,166 tonnes 448 tonnes 1,432 tonnes 200 tonnes 1,214 tonnes One Engine Taxi Departure, reducing fuel usage by approximately 7 litres/minute CO2 avoided 1,606 tonnes