Sustainability Report 2022

73 O N E R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 OVERVIEW BUSINESS OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Thai AirAsia Corporate GovernanceandSustainability Committee Thai AirAsia established its Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee to oversee sustainability governance, while Thai Airasia Sustainability Working Group, under supervision of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee coordinates actions by multiple departments across the Company. The Thai Airasia Sustainability Working Group comprises heads of each department, who are tasked with integrating sustainability policies that are material to the Company’s business into their plans, strategies and operations and setting measurable targets. Sustainability Management Structure (GRI 2-9, 2-14) TAA Board of Directors Risk Management Committee Audit Committee Sustainability Working Group TAA Sustainability Working Group Regional HoDs TAA HoDs Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Nomination & Remuneration Committee (NRC) Safety Review Board The scope and authority of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee is as follows: 1. Review, devise appropriate strategies, policies, targets, practices and budgets for sustainability endeavours that take in account of stakeholder’s opinions and impacts. Refer relevant sustainability initiatives to the Company’s Board of Directors for approval. 2. Determine sustainability material issues that are essential to business operations so that stakeholder concerns are addressed. 3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of sustainability strategies and policies. Advise and support sustainability initiatives that aim towards achieving set targets. 4. Report key sustainability updates to the Board of Directors for evaluation and approval. The Thai Airasia Sustainability Working Group will support the initiatives by meeting every quarter to review implementation and progress before presenting reports to the Thai AirAsia Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee. Thai AirAsia Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee hold a meeting twice a year. The Company holds an annual meeting with the Board of Directors to review the sustainability performance of the past year including reviewing the updated Company's sustainability policy and strategy. The policy and direction will be aligned with the direction from Capital A.