Sustainability Report 2022

137 O N E R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 OVERVIEW BUSINESS OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Safety Responsibilities Allstars Safety is the duty of all Thai AirAsia employees, who must be aware of their own safety as well as the safety of others at all times and participate in all relevant activities and training assigned to them or that is mandated by law. All employees have the right to decline work that they deem unsafe, may result in property damage, is beyond what they have been trained to do or if appropriate tools are not provided. Employees are required to report any perceived dangers to their superiors. Corporate Safety The Corporate Safety unit plans workplace risk mitigation operations and oversees implementation of such plans, the provision of safety training, provides recommendations on preventing accidents and incidents, manages workplace risks and verifies the Company’s compliance with safety laws. Top Management (Safety Accountability and Responsibility) With the highest authority over the Safety Management System, top management may make final decisions concerning human capital management, the operation of each department and finances and are the most responsible for safety and most directly responsible for management of the Company. Head of Corporate Safety and Responsibility Responsible for implementing the SMS in accordance with policies from top management, the head of corporate safety and responsibility identifies and assesses risks, audits operations and risk mitigation measures, reports safety performance, creates safety documentation and plans safety training. Safety Risk Management Management and control of safety risks are carried out through a two-step process, consisting of; 1. Hazard Identification, in which risks and dangers are sought and classified by type, process, cause and conditions and information is collected, analysed and systematically broadcast. The Company has combined flight safety systems with Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) systems to reduce workplace risks. 2. Safety Risk Assessment and Mitigation, in which safety risk assessment outcomes are deemed acceptable or unacceptable, with unacceptable risks subjected to further analysis with the aim of setting prevention and mitigation measures. A high level of attention is devoted to safety risk assessment at the Company from the executive and senior officers level to the operations level as mitigation of risks is seen as an effective method for reducing impact to the health of employees. Proactive safety monitoring provides immediate tangible benefits. For its Safety Reporting System (SRS), the Company employs RedEye, which is accessible by all employees via online channels. In 2022, a total of 7,032 reports were filed. Incident reports are analysed and preventative action is taken. A significant example is the tying down of ground equipment as a response to incidents involving high winds and storm conditions. After implementation of the tie-down measure, no reports of incidents involving ground equipment being blown by strong winds were reported. Hazard Incident Type of report Open Close On process 11.03% 71.25% 94.31% 17.71% 1.65% 4.04%